
Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Resolutions

I had a really awesome first day of 2016.  The three of us started out by doing the resolution run, which was just a 1 mile run at a marina followed by the polar bear plunge.  It was sooooo cold but worth it.  It almost felt cleansing if that makes any sense.    Then my sister came over and we did our Christmas with her.  She had traveled out of town this year.  She got us some really awesome gifts, and I hope she likes hers.

So I decided that I would do resolutions again this year, but I am going to actually print them off this year and put them in front of me so I can't just forget them.  So without further ado...

*Get healthy - This means mentally, emotionally, and health wise.  I need to become my best self, not just for me but for my family as well.

*Run at least one race as a family each month - You will probably see a few pop up that were in last years that I want to carry over and really do.  We were talking and decided we will pick a 5K to do as a family each month no excuses.  We have the Star Wars one coming up in two weeks which will start us off on the right foot.

*Let go of fear - I haven't talked to much about it but I have anxiety and have for years.  Some days are better than others, but last year was really kind of rough on me.  I need to really get it under control and not allow it to be so prevalent this year.

*Keep getting organized - I did a good job of staying organized but I am just starting.  There is a lot more I can do like get a cleaning schedule, blog schedule, etc.  

*Be more "natural" - I want to stop using and eating so many chemicals.  I started doing to "No poo" method with my hair and I love it!!!!  My hair used to be super thin and just flat.  Since I had the week off during Christmas I decided why not.  No shampoo was working anymore.  I do rye flour and vinegar about every 2 or 3 days and rinse with water each day.  My hair hasn't been this healthy, full, and shiny ever.  I think I want to start going more natural in my soap, lotions, etc.  

*Blog more - I know that I don't have a lot of followers or anything but I really love doing this blog.  It's kind of neat to go back and see what was going on or what my thoughts were.  So I am trying to come up with a more standard blogging schedule with some decent content.  I have a few ideas lets see how good I am on follow through.

*Take more pictures & videos - I don't take a lot of pictures but I need to, and take better ones.  I would also like to take some classes.  I see something and i think it looks cool and I will take a picture then when I get home it looks crappy.  Part of that might be that I don't have the best camera so let's add that to the list too, get a better camera lol.  I also want to do more videos.  I did a lot when kiddo was a baby, but not so much anymore.  I love being able to look back on my home movies and I would love it if the kiddo had the same thing when he gets older.

*Work on the house -another one from last year.  So last year was supposed to be less trips, totally didn't happen.  This year we only have one big trip planned, the one in January, and maybe one or two smaller ones to Portland, Yakima, & maybe Vancouver.  We have been in our house for many years and keep talking about doing some home improvement projects but trips keep taking precedence.  Well we are hoping to take 3 weeks in 2017 and go to England and stay on a canal boat, so we have to save up our vacation this year, which means we should have some extra money to get some of those projects done.

*Get a better morning routine - I take the kiddo to school in the morning and hubby picks him up.  Well most morning I am super scattered and am rushing out the door to be on time.  I would like nothing better than to get up in the morning brew some tea, listen to some music, make the kiddo a healthy breakfast, then get ready.  That might make my day's so much better lol.

*Listen to music - I LOVE music.  I twas always front and center in my life growing up.  I was in choir, I played bells in my church, and we would do karaoke nights at our house.  Well, the hubby and I have very different taste in music so I just kind of stopped listening to music.  I think it's time to start doing it more.  I know that it won't bother the hubby but I just feel bad making him listen to something he doesn't like.  It might be time to make another trip to the record store and get some new records we can all listen too and enjoy.

*Purge, Purge, & Purge - So we have a pretty small house, about 950 square feet along with a detached garage and a basement that is like a cellar with our furnace, water heater, and laundry area.  I love our small house but we have a problem with stuff.  The three of us really like books, grandma's like to buy the kiddo toys, there is always that super awesome thing that you see in the store that is awesome and will change your life that is still sitting in the packaging a year later, etc etc.  I would really like to go through and purge about 50% of the stuff we have, and then organize the rest.    I also need to let go of a lot of the kiddo's baby items.  It's really hard for me to see his little newborn onesies or the little drum he played with all the time and get rid of it.  Knowing it is goign to a good home might help.  Maybe my friend with the twins could use some stuff lol.

*Learn to sail & sail more - I have been sailing for about 9 years now and I really enjoy it.  Our goal is when we retire we want to sail around the world together.  In order for us to do that I really need to learn more about sailing.  The hubby is a fantastic Captain but I would like to learn as much as I can.  We didn't get out last year as much as we would have liked to.  My goal this year between May and September we make it out once a week.

Wow, those are a lot of resolutions.  What are your resolutions or plans for 2016?

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