
Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 Resolutions

We have a fun filled day planned today.  I spent the morning relaxing in the bath while catching up on YouTube videos, then we ran the first mile of the year.  We were going to do the Polar Bear Plunge but the kiddo really didn't want to and they are not doing it the normal way so it's going to be insane with way to many people.  The rest of the day will be watching the Seahawks game while I get caught up on laundry.

As usual I have a few resolutions.  You may see a few on here from last years on here but I figured a good way to stay on track might be to do a blog post at the end of each month giving a status on how well I am doing on them.  It might hold me a bit more accountable.

*Do long runs each weekend with family - Since Thanksgiving we haven't been doing real well on the long runs.  Our weekends filled up pretty quickly, it's rainy, cold, and get's dark earlier, but no more excuses.  I love running as a family so I want to keep up with that.

*Work on the House - This is one from last year.  We did some slight updating of the bathroom, but we really have big plans for the house as a whole.  We need a new couch, we really need to gut the bathroom, and the yard needs some work.  We will re-do the kitchen but that will probably be in 2018.  We only have two trips planned this year, the Light Side run in January and the Dark Side run in April so we will hopefully have some money to really do substantial work to the house.

*Keep staying healthy - I feel so good since the hernia surgery and it really helped me to learn to listen to my body and to eat right, however Christmas has been a bit tough on me.  I have eaten way more than I should have and most of it hasn't been to good.  I gained 7 lbs since Disneyland in November oops.  I think I am going to do weekly weigh-ins here on the blog as well as weekly work outs.  So to start I am at 168 lbs as of this morning.  My goal is to be 150 by our trip to Disneyworld and 144 by the end of th year, I hope I can do it.

*Date my hubby again - This sounds weird, but with all of life stresses the hubby and I have kind of put our relationship on the back burner.  I really want to make time to spend with the hubby just the two of us.  I love him so much and I want to nurture that relationship.

*Stay on top of chores - I spent a lot of the last week organizing, rearranging, purging,  and deep cleaning the house.  I love the way the house looks and feels right now.  My goal is to create a chore calendar and keep up on it.

*Blog more - Of course another one from last year.  I did a bit more on the blog this year but not as much or as quality as I would have liked to.  I really struggled a lot last year with being kind of lazy and uninspired.  So this year I hope to do more and come up with a schedule of interesting things to blog about.

*Start vlogging - This is something I have wanted to do for a while, but I am really scared to put my face out there.  I have been practicing and I think I have a way to start them without putting my face in the vlogs.  Maybe I will put a few out there and see what everyone thinks.

*Play games as a family - One thing we really like to do is play games but as the kiddo has gotten older it's tough because of homework.  He struggles with his ADHD when it comes to sitting still & focusing on homework so it's a fight to get him to do his work, and then we eat dinner and it's bedtime.  We should plan every other Friday or something to just sit down and play games.

*Read more - I love to read but over the last two years I have not been reading as much.  I get overwhelmed with the choices of books and I am worried that I will spend money and hate the book.  My goal is to buy a new book each month and read it.  Some will be on my tablet and others will be real books.

*Get more organized - I love making lists, it actually calms me down, but when it comes to keeping a calendar I struggle.  I forget to look at it.  I think I am going to take 5 minutes each day to keep it up to date and figure out what I have going on for the week and stay on top of it.

*Take better care of my skin - I have always done a pretty good job of taking care of my skin but lately not so much.  I need to start doing masks, putting lotion on, using my lush bombs, put night cream on, etc.  In the summer my skin is really nice but in the winter it's so dry and it hurts.  Any ideas for good products is accepted.

*Purge - I did a pretty good job or purging this year but I still want to do more.  I also want to stop shopping as much.  I want to buy quality over quantity.  I will do a blog post about this soon.

Do any of you have any resolutions for the new year?  I hope everyone is having a fantastic start to 2017.