I am usually not to big on making resolutions, but I figured why not this year. There are a lot of things I was to accomplish so here we go in no particular order:
*Run at least one race a month (5K, 10K or 1/2 marathon) I would love to do a 5k with the kiddo each month, but I don't want to put that pressure on him so I am just focusing on myself.
*Get healthy. I have a really hard time eating right I love chocolate & cheese and anything I don't have to cook. So now is the time for me to learn some new healthy recipes that will keep my body and mind healthy. Really make a lifestyle change.
*Spend more quality time with my family. The three of us spend a lot of time together, but it will be nice to do some new stuff together. The kiddo has been asking to do a movie night every week and a game night so I think we can make those work. I am thinking of finding one new thing a month. It would also be nice to spend some more quality time with extended family as well.
*Get my life re-organized. I have a terrible time keeping my house and life organized. With the kiddo being more involved in stuff and having a smaller house now is the time for me to purge and organize. I used to be really good at that but have lost it since I became a mom. Time to get it back.
*Finally re-do my bathroom & garage. Our bathroom needs SERIOUS help. We have been talking for years about re-doing it but I can't wait anymore. Our garage also needs help. I have pretty much kept everything from my son from birth to now, plus all our holiday decorations. Its a disaster and a huge embarrassment.
*Learn Yoga. I have done a few DVD's here and there but I have been to scared to actually go to a class. I kind of have social anxiety with situations where I don't know anybody or what I am doing and I am super worried I am going to make a fool of myself and everyone will laugh at me.
*Really learn make-up. This one sounds super lame but as I have gotten older the no makeup look doesn't fly anymore. I don't want to cake it on or anything I just want to learn the basics and how to put on eye liner!
*PR on a half this year. My best record is 2:55:20. I would really like to get that down to 2:41:00.
*Let go of anger and jut be happy. I have become jaded over the years and I am not sure why. Yeah I have had some not so great things happen to me over the years but I have also had some AMAZING stuff happen. I need to learn to focus on that.
Wow, for someone who said they really aren't int resolutions those are a lot :)
Here's to a fantastic 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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