
Friday, September 11, 2015

Stressful Times

I have been trying to really keep this blog about happy upbeat things and my travels and running, but I kind of need a moment to "get it out there" so to speak.

So my kiddo is in a dual immersion school, 1/2 English 1/2 Spanish.  We have been in the school for a long time and have always loved it.  My kiddo has had some issues with his handwriting, basically it's terrible.  My hubbies is as well and dyslexia runs on his side of the family.  We had him checked out by the school district (don't even get me started on how dysfunctional that was) and they basically said he has better handwriting than most kids in the school and since he is reading well above his grade level he's fine.  We have been working with him  A LOT on his handwriting and it has gotten better but he still writes like a kindergartener.  We did put him in school kind of early and we have asked every teacher if he should be where he is and they say yes, he should be.  He is top of his class in everything else and loves to learn they tell us.

Well, last year he was doing really well in the Spanish portion and not having any problems.  Fast forward to this year, and apparently he is lost in class and is shutting down during the Spanish portion.  He told us that he hates going to Spanish class because he doesn't understand anything the teacher is saying to him.  We taught him how to say "I don't understand" and "Please explain" in Spanish (since when they are in Spanish class they are only allowed to speak Spanish, no English at all)  The hubby and I do not speak Spanish but my sister is fluent and a Spanish teacher herself.

I feel so lost.  I don't know what to do.  We are trying to schedule a parent teacher conference to see what is really going on and to find solutions to help him.  The school has gone through a lot of changes lately and it seems like it's in constant flux.  I don't want him to fall behind and I want him to excel.  Sometimes I wonder if we did put him in to early.  Being a parent is tough!!!!

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