Sorry I have been pretty quiet the past few weeks. I have been busy with the end of the school year for the kiddo and I am still dealing with the health questions as to what is wrong with me.
My iron levels are still really low although they are not as low as they were. It is starting to look more and more like my body just doesn't absorb iron the way it is supposed to so I am probably going to have to get iron injections. I just did a capsule endoscopy a few weeks ago and I am just waiting for the results. That was a very interesting experience to say the least. I had to swallow this pill sized camera and just hang out not eating anything for about 8 hours. They had me hooked up to this small monitor that basically showed the video of my insides. The nurse was like, look you can watch it throughout the day. Yeah, not my cup of tea. It was really kind of freaky knowing that I had a camera inside me.
I met with a surgeon to talk about the hiatal hernia surgery which he said I might be a good candidate for but I now need to have a few more tests done. UGH I am so done with tests. They have to make sure that my acid is really being caused by the hiatal hernia and not something like my stomach just doesn't work properly to digest food, that I don't have a weak esophagus, or that it isn't acid but alkaline that is causing the problems because I have no acid due to the meds I have been on for so long.
So the first test they are going to make me eat an egg salad sandwich (one of my least favorite foods EVER!!! I do not know how I am not going to gag.) and take pictures of my stomach to make sure it is working properly.
For the second test they are going to stick these wonderful tubes down my nose for 24 hours to see what is causing some of my problems. I am really worried that I am going to pass out for that.
My GI Dr didn't seem to concerned with me being on medication for a while but the surgeon is really worried about me being on meds and some of the other problems I am having.
I know that with time this will all get resolved but it's just super scary to go through all these tests, and the responses I get from everyone is "Your so young" which worries me if I am going to have worse health problems later in life. I just have to keep up on the exercising and eating healthy and hopefully that will help prevent even worse health problems in the future.
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