
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Years Eve

I hope everyone is having an amazing New Years Eve.  We just finished up some fondue and are watching Zootopia.  Then we will watch some of the specials on TV and head to bed so we can get up early to do a run then the polar bear plunge.

2016 had some up's and down for us but all in all it wasn't to terrible.  I got a few of my resolutions done which you can see here.  I am hoping to do a lot better next year.  I got healthy, ran a lot more, got a PR, purged and got a bit more organized.  There are still a lot of other things I need to do though.

I am going to head back with the family and finish up our movie.  I hope you all have a safe and awesome New Year.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Excited yet stressed

I am so excited for our trip in 13 days!!!!  However I am a bit stressed about it as well.

One of the downsides of having older vehicles is when both of them decided that they need work at the same time 😢 So that is going to cut into our trip money.  We might have to cancel one of our dinner reservations which on one hand sucks but on the other hand doesn't.  With the reaction that the kiddo had in November we are planning on bringing some good things that the kiddo can eat to help keep his ADHD in check.  I will let you know how that goes.

I haven't really trained as well as I should have.  It is really hard to work out when it's dark, cold, and rainy outside.  I had planned to take the kiddo running each day of vacation this week but I wanted to clean and play with the kiddo so that hasn't happened.  I also haven't been eating as well as I should.  The hubby got me a HUGE bag of kisses which is probably my favorite chocolate candy and I have pretty much been eating those and homemade spritz cookies from Christmas.  Not a good thing.  I really want to finish the challenge and I am scared I won't.  I have never done a challenge before.  The hubby says I should be fine but you never know.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas I know that we did.  Here is to a fantastic New Year!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

ADHD is the Devil

I said I was going to be a bit more truthful and open in the blog so here goes.

The kiddo has ADHD.  We started taking him to see a counselor a little over a year ago because his anxiety had gotten way out of control.  He wouldn't go to movie theaters, he wasn't riding any of his favorite rides at Disney, he was afraid of the dark, etc.  The final straw came when one morning he was to scared to get into the car and go to school.  So we did some research and found a counselor not to far from our house.  After some interactions with him she asked if he had been diagnosed with ADHD.  To be honest I was shocked.  He had some problems concentrating in school, his handwriting was atrocious but he was a smart kid with a big heart and as much as I hate to admit it, I had a preconceived notion of what ADHD/ADD kids behaved liked.

So around March of this year we took him to his doctor to see about what our next steps were and to see if he could be tested for ADHD.  After talking to the Dr for a while and getting some information on it I was starting to see that he very clearly has it. Not only that but we also found out that he has a condition known as amblyopia which means he never learned to see out of one eye.  So not only were we dealing with the ADHD diagnosis but now he had to wear an eye patch and glasses every day.  I have never felt like such a failure as a parent as I did those first few months after the diagnosis.  What could I have done to prevent this, how was I contributing to this?  Did that soda I have when I was 6 months pregnant cause it?

Luckily the kiddo is extremely bright and he gets it.  We have sat down and explained to him what ADHD is and different ways to help him manage it.  I remember when we met with his pediatrician and he asked us what was up the kiddo said "I am here to find out if I have ADHD"  We chose to not medicate him when we first found out.  We did this program called PCIT with his counselor which he just recently graduated from.  However, the biggest thing we changed was his diet.  We have taken processed foods and foods with dyes in them completely out of his diet.  He has been so understanding about it and he even reads the labels to see if he can eat certain foods.  It's kind of sad in a way because I feel like I am depriving him of a lighthearted childhood, but I feel like it's what's best for him.  We have found a ton of really good recipes and there are a lot of things out there now that  use natural ingredients to color things (ex: beets, carrots, etc) He had improved by leaps and bounds and when we met with the teachers earlier this year they said that other than a few minor issues in math he was doing amazing.

Flash forward to our trip in November.  We tried really hard to keep him on his diet, we bought him the few all natural snacks they sold in Disneyland (all 3 of them) but we still had regular meals that he had to eat.  We stayed clear of most everything that we knew had dye in it, the cupcakes, anything colorful etc but it didn't work :(  It was really eye opening to see him act the way he had less than a year ago.  We almost kind of forgot how bad it really was.  He was all over the place, he couldn't sit still, he couldn't finish a full sentence, he was high anxiety, he was emotional and getting him to sleep was a fight. Then we got back and we got the emails from the teachers.  He isn't sitting down, he's refusing to do his classwork, etc etc.  It was heartbreaking.  He had worked so hard and now it felt like we were back at square one.

The hubby and I started talking about the possibility of putting him on medication and we are torn.  I have heard some statistics where if you don't put the kids on it by the time they are 10 or 11 they are more likely to become addicts, then other reports of the kid just turning into a zombie.  I honestly don't know what to do.  We want to do what is best for him but we honestly don't know what is best.  So after some discussion we decided that we would put more of a focus back on his diet.  The hubby and I have the next two weeks off so we are going to focus on really purging his system and go 100% back on the diet and stay on top of his vitamins (he takes Omega-3 and a pro biotic which we have also found helps him a lot)  We will then schedule a follow up with his pediatrician and evaluate if we should do medication or not.

If anyone has any stories or advice I would love to hear about it.  If there is one thing I have learned it's so helpful to talk about it and find other people who have been through this or are going through it.  It makes you feel less alone.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Becoming my best self and revamping

I got really introspective when I started thinking about how to be positive and make changes to be my best self and in doing so I realized a couple of different things.  I realized that I don't feel like I am being my authentic self.  I feel like I am kind of phoning it in lol.  I want to be so much more than I am right now.  I feel like there are a lot of different aspects of my life that have turned me into who I am today, some of those are good and some of those are bad and I really need to weed through all of that.

What I have decided to do is rather than take like a piece and focus on that I am going to sit down and list out what things make me happy, who I want to be, what things I can get rid of in my life that I don't need, what I want more of and then ways that I can make those dreams a reality.

There are things that I know, I love travel, Disney, football, reading.  I love my husband, my son.  There are also lots of things that are in my life that I don't love that I need to just get rid of.  One thing that was hard to come to grips with but that I realized is that I don't take good care of myself because I don't feel like I deserve to.  In going through the surgery and everything it has really dawned on me.  I don't put forth any effort when it comes to  allowing  myself to feel good about being me.  I don't wear makeup, I don't spend money on clothes, I find excuses not do do some of the things I love.   I just feel frumpy, lazy, and I second guess 95% of the things that I do.  I need to change that.  I used to be a girly girl.  I love wearing dresses, having my hair done, having my nails done, reading books that I love etc.  I just don't feel like I really know how to do it and I am so scared that I will look like an clown and people will secretly judge me.  Back in the day I used to get together with my friends and we would go shopping together, do spa days and mani parties, bake together, make crafts, etc.  I just kind of feel like I have lost that.  I really want to get that back.

I also want to organize my house.  I love my hubby to death but his strong suit is not organization, putting things back where they belong or doing chores in a timely manner :)  I mean he has his chores and if I ask him to do it he jumps right on it, but I feel like a nagging wife when I ask.  So I will sometimes feel like "Well if you aren't going to do it then I am not going to do it for you" and then I let it sit until it stresses me out and I get super irritable.

I also realized that I react incorrectly to a lot of things.

So my goal from here on out is to change that.  I am going to change the being my best self series a bit.  I am not 100% positive on how I will do that just yet. You will also see a lot of changes coming in the blog as well.  I tried to have it be this wonderful place where life is grand, here is my travel stuff, etc.  I am so worried about people judging me, that sometimes I will type up a blog post and I will re-read it and say no, there is to much of you in there, to much opinion, nobody wants to see that much of you in there.  I really want this blog to be about me and my life struggles and all.  So in the next few weeks (or months) bear with me while I try to find my voice.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season.