January was a crazy busy month. I feel like I haven't had a chance to settle into the new year yet. To be honest we still have our Christmas tree up, shhh don't tell anyone.
We had Grandma's birthday weekend, then our trip at the start of the month, then I ended up getting really sick right after we came back from vacation so I was laid up in bed for like 5 days, then we had to do some stuff for the kiddo's school, and now it's February.
I don't know about you guys but I am not liking 2017 so far. For some reason I am in a major funk. I just did my first run since we came back from vacation and I have only lost 1 lb of the 8 I had gained since November, my mom & sister are not getting along at all, our vehicles need more work, the kiddo is having a rough time with his ADHD, etc etc. I feel like I am stuck in a terrible depressed rut. I am hoping that I can get out of it in February.
I am also really mad at myself for neglecting my blog. I am going to sit down and plan out some posts and make myself do them. I keep having these ideas for what I am going to post and what I will say but when I go to sit down the things I am trying to say don't come out right, or I need to do housework, or the kiddo needs something. So I talked with the hubby about it and we are going to block off 10 minutes a day for me each day to focus on my blog. I really do love my hubby.
So to not end this blog on a bad note I figured I would point out a few positive things that have happened this month:
It snowed. We didn't get much but when it's dark and gloomy and cold I love getting some snow.
I got to enjoy some wonderful Lush products.
I got to go to Disneyland again and I did my first Rebel Challege, it was amazing!!!
My hubby and I went out to the Melting Pot to celebrate 18 years of being a couple.
See life isn't to bad, I just need to focus on the positives and just keep swimming.
Here is to an awesome February
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