
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Years Eve

I hope everyone is having an amazing New Years Eve.  We just finished up some fondue and are watching Zootopia.  Then we will watch some of the specials on TV and head to bed so we can get up early to do a run then the polar bear plunge.

2016 had some up's and down for us but all in all it wasn't to terrible.  I got a few of my resolutions done which you can see here.  I am hoping to do a lot better next year.  I got healthy, ran a lot more, got a PR, purged and got a bit more organized.  There are still a lot of other things I need to do though.

I am going to head back with the family and finish up our movie.  I hope you all have a safe and awesome New Year.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Excited yet stressed

I am so excited for our trip in 13 days!!!!  However I am a bit stressed about it as well.

One of the downsides of having older vehicles is when both of them decided that they need work at the same time 😢 So that is going to cut into our trip money.  We might have to cancel one of our dinner reservations which on one hand sucks but on the other hand doesn't.  With the reaction that the kiddo had in November we are planning on bringing some good things that the kiddo can eat to help keep his ADHD in check.  I will let you know how that goes.

I haven't really trained as well as I should have.  It is really hard to work out when it's dark, cold, and rainy outside.  I had planned to take the kiddo running each day of vacation this week but I wanted to clean and play with the kiddo so that hasn't happened.  I also haven't been eating as well as I should.  The hubby got me a HUGE bag of kisses which is probably my favorite chocolate candy and I have pretty much been eating those and homemade spritz cookies from Christmas.  Not a good thing.  I really want to finish the challenge and I am scared I won't.  I have never done a challenge before.  The hubby says I should be fine but you never know.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas I know that we did.  Here is to a fantastic New Year!!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

ADHD is the Devil

I said I was going to be a bit more truthful and open in the blog so here goes.

The kiddo has ADHD.  We started taking him to see a counselor a little over a year ago because his anxiety had gotten way out of control.  He wouldn't go to movie theaters, he wasn't riding any of his favorite rides at Disney, he was afraid of the dark, etc.  The final straw came when one morning he was to scared to get into the car and go to school.  So we did some research and found a counselor not to far from our house.  After some interactions with him she asked if he had been diagnosed with ADHD.  To be honest I was shocked.  He had some problems concentrating in school, his handwriting was atrocious but he was a smart kid with a big heart and as much as I hate to admit it, I had a preconceived notion of what ADHD/ADD kids behaved liked.

So around March of this year we took him to his doctor to see about what our next steps were and to see if he could be tested for ADHD.  After talking to the Dr for a while and getting some information on it I was starting to see that he very clearly has it. Not only that but we also found out that he has a condition known as amblyopia which means he never learned to see out of one eye.  So not only were we dealing with the ADHD diagnosis but now he had to wear an eye patch and glasses every day.  I have never felt like such a failure as a parent as I did those first few months after the diagnosis.  What could I have done to prevent this, how was I contributing to this?  Did that soda I have when I was 6 months pregnant cause it?

Luckily the kiddo is extremely bright and he gets it.  We have sat down and explained to him what ADHD is and different ways to help him manage it.  I remember when we met with his pediatrician and he asked us what was up the kiddo said "I am here to find out if I have ADHD"  We chose to not medicate him when we first found out.  We did this program called PCIT with his counselor which he just recently graduated from.  However, the biggest thing we changed was his diet.  We have taken processed foods and foods with dyes in them completely out of his diet.  He has been so understanding about it and he even reads the labels to see if he can eat certain foods.  It's kind of sad in a way because I feel like I am depriving him of a lighthearted childhood, but I feel like it's what's best for him.  We have found a ton of really good recipes and there are a lot of things out there now that  use natural ingredients to color things (ex: beets, carrots, etc) He had improved by leaps and bounds and when we met with the teachers earlier this year they said that other than a few minor issues in math he was doing amazing.

Flash forward to our trip in November.  We tried really hard to keep him on his diet, we bought him the few all natural snacks they sold in Disneyland (all 3 of them) but we still had regular meals that he had to eat.  We stayed clear of most everything that we knew had dye in it, the cupcakes, anything colorful etc but it didn't work :(  It was really eye opening to see him act the way he had less than a year ago.  We almost kind of forgot how bad it really was.  He was all over the place, he couldn't sit still, he couldn't finish a full sentence, he was high anxiety, he was emotional and getting him to sleep was a fight. Then we got back and we got the emails from the teachers.  He isn't sitting down, he's refusing to do his classwork, etc etc.  It was heartbreaking.  He had worked so hard and now it felt like we were back at square one.

The hubby and I started talking about the possibility of putting him on medication and we are torn.  I have heard some statistics where if you don't put the kids on it by the time they are 10 or 11 they are more likely to become addicts, then other reports of the kid just turning into a zombie.  I honestly don't know what to do.  We want to do what is best for him but we honestly don't know what is best.  So after some discussion we decided that we would put more of a focus back on his diet.  The hubby and I have the next two weeks off so we are going to focus on really purging his system and go 100% back on the diet and stay on top of his vitamins (he takes Omega-3 and a pro biotic which we have also found helps him a lot)  We will then schedule a follow up with his pediatrician and evaluate if we should do medication or not.

If anyone has any stories or advice I would love to hear about it.  If there is one thing I have learned it's so helpful to talk about it and find other people who have been through this or are going through it.  It makes you feel less alone.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Becoming my best self and revamping

I got really introspective when I started thinking about how to be positive and make changes to be my best self and in doing so I realized a couple of different things.  I realized that I don't feel like I am being my authentic self.  I feel like I am kind of phoning it in lol.  I want to be so much more than I am right now.  I feel like there are a lot of different aspects of my life that have turned me into who I am today, some of those are good and some of those are bad and I really need to weed through all of that.

What I have decided to do is rather than take like a piece and focus on that I am going to sit down and list out what things make me happy, who I want to be, what things I can get rid of in my life that I don't need, what I want more of and then ways that I can make those dreams a reality.

There are things that I know, I love travel, Disney, football, reading.  I love my husband, my son.  There are also lots of things that are in my life that I don't love that I need to just get rid of.  One thing that was hard to come to grips with but that I realized is that I don't take good care of myself because I don't feel like I deserve to.  In going through the surgery and everything it has really dawned on me.  I don't put forth any effort when it comes to  allowing  myself to feel good about being me.  I don't wear makeup, I don't spend money on clothes, I find excuses not do do some of the things I love.   I just feel frumpy, lazy, and I second guess 95% of the things that I do.  I need to change that.  I used to be a girly girl.  I love wearing dresses, having my hair done, having my nails done, reading books that I love etc.  I just don't feel like I really know how to do it and I am so scared that I will look like an clown and people will secretly judge me.  Back in the day I used to get together with my friends and we would go shopping together, do spa days and mani parties, bake together, make crafts, etc.  I just kind of feel like I have lost that.  I really want to get that back.

I also want to organize my house.  I love my hubby to death but his strong suit is not organization, putting things back where they belong or doing chores in a timely manner :)  I mean he has his chores and if I ask him to do it he jumps right on it, but I feel like a nagging wife when I ask.  So I will sometimes feel like "Well if you aren't going to do it then I am not going to do it for you" and then I let it sit until it stresses me out and I get super irritable.

I also realized that I react incorrectly to a lot of things.

So my goal from here on out is to change that.  I am going to change the being my best self series a bit.  I am not 100% positive on how I will do that just yet. You will also see a lot of changes coming in the blog as well.  I tried to have it be this wonderful place where life is grand, here is my travel stuff, etc.  I am so worried about people judging me, that sometimes I will type up a blog post and I will re-read it and say no, there is to much of you in there, to much opinion, nobody wants to see that much of you in there.  I really want this blog to be about me and my life struggles and all.  So in the next few weeks (or months) bear with me while I try to find my voice.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Becoming my best self

Do you ever sometimes think your the bad guy in your life story?  I have kind of been feeling that way a lot lately.  I have been doing some really stupid things over the last year and I have become angry, jaded, judgmental, and crazy emotional.  I do not want to be like that anymore.

I have decided to do a series on my blog about becoming my best self.  My plan is to pick one quality or thing I can change to become my best self for a two week period and focus on that and will post about how I did every other Sunday.

The first one I am going to stop my negative thoughts.  I think I might be investing in some rubber bands for my wrist :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Avengers Half Recap

The half marathon was probably one of the best races I have done.  Disney totally knows how to put on an amazing race!!!

I was super nervous the night before.  It had been almost a year since I had done a half and while I have been training I was still scared.  We had dinner at Wine Country Trattoria then rode Mater twice before heading back to the hotel room for the night.  While I was getting all snuggled up into bed I turned on the TV and Aladdin which kind of helped calm my nerves and I fell right to sleep.

The alarm went off at 3:00 am and I hit snooze :)  There was no way I was ready to get up.  So at 3:40 am we got up and dressed really quick because the sitter was coming at 4:00.  We were pretty much all ready to go minus pinning our bibs on when she got there.  

We grabbed our water and bannana and headed down to the lobby where we each grabbed a bagel and the hubby got a coffee.  About 4:45 we decided to head out to the corrals only for me to realize that I forgot my hair tie & to put deodorant on.  I figured I would be nice to all those around me I ran back up to the room and put on deodorant and grabbed my hair tie then it was off to our corral.  We were in corral G and were surprised how close to the front we got of the corral.  So we hung out for a bit and then it was time to get running.

Heading towards the start line.

Time to start, once you get past the sea of people in front of you that is.

We started the race by running down the main streets and through the backway into California Adventure by Cars Land.

Then we ran through Disneyland and we got to run through the castle.

Star Wars Land!!!

Running through the parks is so much fun.  It keeps you motivated and a smile on your face throughout.  They have Cast Members cheering you on and it's just so pretty. Right before you leave the parks you run through this tunnel that has music playing and projections on the wall.  I always enjoy running through the tunnel. We didn't stop for any pictures with the characters because we wanted to see what time we could get.  

Then it was time to head out onto the streets.  It's a bit of a shock running in the parks to running on the streets.  They still have bands and cheer squads out there and there are lots of people who just come out on the streets to cheer you on but not as dense as in the parks.  I was doing really well until about Mile 8.  I just hit a wall.  We had just ran up a big hill and the course just seemed to be so long.  It was getting so hot (I was wearing running pants thinking it would be cold) and I just wanted water.  We ran past a water station going the other direction and I couldn't stop focusing on being thirsty.  I started thinking that I didn't know if I can do this.

I took this picture specifically because this is the spot I hit my biggest wall.

Right after we ran past the stadium sign there was a line of people decked out in 20's attire dancing and chearing us on and there was a group of Vetrans there as well giving out high fives..  That was exactly what I needed at that moment.  I was fully energized and excited and knew I would finish the race.  

All of the people lined up cheering us on

Ant Man

A shadow selfie :)

Look it says Disney Way.  Almost there.

Right before hubby's watch died :(

Coming close to the finish.

I took this not only for the 13 miles but I loved the Dory Sign

Time to sprint to the finish

We ended up finishing with a time of 2 hrs 50 minutes my best half yet.  We did the Jeff Galloway method of intervals and I think that helped out a lot.  We run for 2 minutes walk for 30 seconds.  Although we did run the last 2 miles with no intervals because we wanted to get a PR.

I cannot wait for the Star Wars half in January.  Very nervous to do the Rebel Challenge though.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

We did it and I feel amazing

Just a quick post to say WE DID IT and we got a PR 2 hrs 55 minutes!!! I can't believe it.    I feel so accomplished.  Like all my hard work paid off.  I was a bit worried about how much weight I had gained because I feel pretty bloated and I know I didn't eat super healthy but when I stepped on the scale I had only gained 3 lbs Woo Hoo.  So back to the training schedule for the Star Wars Half.

 I will do a post race recap and a trip recap here in the next few days.But for how here is a picture of our medals.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Disneyland Outfits

Since I spend a fair amount of time planning out my outfits for Disney I figured I would share some of them here.

This is my Minnie dress.  I have had this forever but now I can finally fit into it.  The ears I got on our first Mother/Son trip a few years ago to Disneyland.

I couldn't resist picking up this shirt at Hot Topic a few months back and I one day decided to look for Emma Swan ears and I found them on etsy from the shop GreatestAdventure.  She did amazing work on these ears and I LOVE them.

I got these stripped shorts at Target a few months ago and when I saw this Best Day Ever shirt from Happily Ever Tees I knew it would be a perfect match.

I got this swimsuit at Target back in April because it reminded me of Minnie Mouse.  It's a bit different from what I normally wear but I really like it.

Here is my amazing custom skirt by New Fantasy Threads  This skirt totally made me cry.  I love this more than anything.

Here is my super boring running outfit.  I am the Black Widow.  I got the skirt and shirt from Target (I see a pattern here with where I shop lol)  Then I have my running pouch from RooSport.  Every run I do I always have this with me. It is amazing. I have two separate ones. You can pick these up at the RunDisney Expo.

I am so excited to wear these outfits and so excited for this trip.  It honestly couldn't come at a better time.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Disneyworld Update

Since I am knee deep in planning for our trip to Disney World in April I thought I would give a quick update.  After lots of research on all the hotels and some hemming and hawing about staying at a resort we have already been at we decided on Port Orleans Riverside.  I really wanted to stay in a Princess Room but I figured I would rather have the extra money to spend on souvenirs and then if we liked the hotel it would give us a reason to go back.  I really loved the French Quarter when we stayed there last year so I am excited to try the Riverside.  It is much larger which worries me a bit but it looks beautiful.  Plus we get to use both pools.

I got up at 3:00 am to book our meal reservations and I got every one that I wanted except for Fantasmic.  They didn't have a single dinner package available during our stay.  I am going to keep checking back to see if I can get one otherwise we will just get there early or use a fastpass.  We are eating at:

Chef Art Smith's Homecoming Dinner
Be Our Guest Breakfast
Be Our Guest Lunch
Be Our Guest Dinner
Via Napolini Lunch 
Via Napolini Dinner
'Ohana's Breakfast with Lilo & Stitch
STK Orlando Lunch
Le Cellier Dinner x2
Tony's Town Square Dinner
The Hollywood Brown Derby Dinner

We have done all but 'Ohana's, STK & Chef Art Smith's.  I really wanted to hit up the two in Disney Springs because I have heard amazing things about them and 'Ohana's is for the kiddo because he loves Pluto.  We did Chef Mickey's last time and we wanted to try something new this time.  There are still some days in there where we will be doing quick service or eating at the waterparks but I am pretty happy with our selections.  It's hard because we are going to be there for 10 days but I still feel like there were so many other restaurants (especially in Disney Springs) but not enough time or willingness to forgo poutine or The Gray Stuff to make it work.

I also booked two days of babysitting at one of the Children's Centers.  We have taken the kiddo to a few of these and he loves them.  Plus he still has some anxiety about rides so this will give the hubby and I a chance to spend some quality time together.  We are hoping to book an in-room sitter for one day as well so we can do waterparks and some rides in the early morning.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Rough two weeks

I cannot wait for vacation.  I started an elimination diet about two weeks ago and the first week was ok.  I was able to do my workouts for the week and our long run on the weekend but then my body started to get really mad at me. 

I have had a really hard time getting in the calories that I need for the day.  My diet pretty much consists of all natural Turkey and fish (just not shellfish) fruits (except for citrus) vegetables (except for root veggies), herbal teas and spices that are natural.  Yesterday I only got in like 475 calories.  I almost passed out a few times and I just don't feel right.  I haven't been able to do any work outs this week so I am worried that I am a bit behind now.  So I decided to end it a bit early.  I started with dairy product today so I will do that for three days and then I will move on to meats.  I don't know if it's a placebo effect or not but man oh man do I feel so much better after putting just the dairy back in my diet. 

I am really hoping that I can find out what is causing the allergic reaction.  It's kind of funny because I never really felt deprived after the surgery but since I started this elimination diet I am craving all sorts of foods.  I am just ready for this to be over with and be able to move on.

Also the hubby's grandma is going in for a serious surgery on Friday and we are pretty worried about her.  I can tell that the hubby is really stressed out about it.  

I am also starting to stress out a bit about vacation.  I have a lot to do in a very short time period.  I am working on getting some movies and TV shows onto my tablet which takes a long time to do but totally worth it.  Then I have to get laundry done, get my stuff packed, do some last minute shopping and finish saving up the rest of the money for our trip lol.

Even though I am a bit stressed out I am really excited to go and can't wait to be back at Disneyland.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Workouts & Health Update

I have been trying to doing my workouts on Sunday but I didn't end up doing my long run until late yesterday so I figured I would post today.  I got in two elliptical and one treadmill workouts at the gym and then the one long run.

Monday - 2.51 miles for 30 minutes (11:57 per mile) elliptical
Wednesday - 1.83 miles for 25 minutes (13:37 per mile) treadmill - I accidentally pulled the stop chord about 5 minutes in so I didn't get the first 5 minutes recorded
Thursday - 2.57 miles for 30 minutes (11:40 per mile) elliptical
Sunday - 5.15 miles for 1:13:17 (14:13 per mile)

We ran down by the waterfront in town and it was beautiful. The kiddo did an awesome job considering he ran a mile during his cross country meet earlier in the day.  We did intervals of running for 1 min 30 sec then walking for 30 sec.  I am feeling really prepared for the half in November.  The hubby not so much.  For the first time in a long time I had to slow down for him rather than the other way around.  I told him that I would keep his pace during the half which if we can do 14:13 a mile I am ok with that.  The goal is to PR at the Star Wars half.  

Just a few pictures from our run

So I finally got the results of my ultrasound and I am cleared of having a tumor or cancer.  They said it is just a cyst and it should be just fine.  I will probably have to follow up with it every few years but that's ok.  I am hoping that now my health will be fine and that I can just keep moving forward in getting healthy and reaching my goal wait.  I only have 19 more pounds.  My goal is to be there by the time we go to Florida in April.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Training & Health Drama

So I have decided that I would start logging my workouts for the week on Sunday's.  That way I can kind of hold myself accountable and to document my times.  So I managed three workouts and the long miles this week all on the elliptical

Monday - 2.46 miles for 30 minutes (12:12 per mile)
Tuesday - 2.50 miles for 30 minutes (12:00 per mile)
Thursday - 2.51 miles for 30 minutes (11:57 per mile)
Saturday - 4.03 miles for 43 min 25 seconds (10:46 per mile)

Keep in mind these are on the elliptical not the treadmill.  I like to do my 30 minute workouts on the elliptical (for the butt and arm works out) and I like to do my long run's on the treadmill or outside.  I went to the beach this weekend with some friends and it was way to cold and no sidewalks for me to do my run so I went to the cardio room and the treadmill was broken :(  But at least I got my miles in and I feel really good about the time.  I have really been pushing myself more and more expecially on my long runs.  I feel good about myself and I honestly want to work out more!!!  I had to stop myself a few times from going back to the workout room to get a few more miles under my belt and some weights.  I forgot how good it feels to workout!!!

Now while I am feeling really good about my workouts and my eating, I have another health scare that I am dealing with.  If you follow me on Instagram you will see that on Monday I had my follow up with my surgeon and I got cleared to run again and do crunches and lifting however, apparently they found some sort of a cyst in my abdomen when they were doing the surgery.  He wasn't able to get any good pictures so he wants me to have an ultrasound to try to rule out cancer.  It just seems like it's one thing after another with my health and I honestly had an emotional breakdown on Monday.  I came home and just laid in bed and did NOTHING, I didn't even watch TV.  I am doing better now but this health stuff is starting to wear on me.  I know that I don't have a diagnosis and that it's probably just a cyst and I will be fine but cancer is a really hard thing for me to deal with since it runs so rampant in my family.  Everyone on my mom's side has had skin cancer, my grandma on my mom's side died of colon cancer, and my dad died of cancer.  I have my ultrasound on Monday so I am hoping I get a clean bill of health.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Getting back in the groove & Health update

So even though I am not cleared to run I decided that with just a bit over 50 days left before the half it was time to step up the training at the gym so I went two days this week and then did 3 miles today.

Day 1 - 25 minutes, 2.10 miles, 11 min 54 second mile (elliptical)
Day 2- 30 minutes, 2.56 miles, 11 min 43 second mile (elliptic)
Day 3 - 42:19 minutes 3.01 miles, 14 min 05 second mile (walk on treadmill)

I am feeling really good about myself and motivated.  I have been doing some walks and weights which helped get me ready to really push myself.  It's kind of funny how easy it is to forget how good you feel after really taking care of your body. It is so easy to just eat that extra slice of pizza, or just veg out on the couch watching TV.  Don't get me wrong I still watch TV lol but not in the way I used to.

Sometimes I feel guilty like the weight loss is not based on anything I did because I had the help from the Hernia surgery & esophagus repair.  But as my hubby pointed out that wasn't easy.  I basically had to relearn how to eat & drink normally.  I am glad though because I have learned how to eat right.

So after going through all the health stuff lately I finally have some sort of a diagnosis.  The good thing is that it isn't cancer or Lupas which they were trying to rule out and there is no permanent damage to anything..  It is something called Perivascular Dermatitis.  Basically my doctor thinks I am having an allergic reaction to something.  So she took me off my multivitamin & Omega 3 and put me on some steroids to clear up the bruises.  So far the steroid has worked really well and all the bruises are started to get lighter which is great.  Now comes trying to figure out what is causing it.  So I will probably be doing an elimination diet after I get off the meds.  I just hope it isn't the tea!!!!!!!!!!

Here is to a productive week of working out and getting ready for November.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Meals booked for November

We got all the meals that we wanted for our trip to Disneyland in November with no problems. It's so much less stressful booking meals for Disneyland than Disney World.  I got up each morning around 6:45-7:00 am logged on to the webpage and booked them what I wanted around the time I wanted.  In fact when I looked today at everything I had booked there are still plenty of times available (except for Steakhouse 55 after the half, there is only one time left for breakfast)

We are doing:

Carnation Cafe twice (one for lunch and once for dinner)
Carthay Circle for lunch
Wine Country Trattoria for dinner before the half
Steakhouse 55 for breakfast after the half
World of Color dinner at Wine Country Trattoria

I am really looking forward to some friend pickles.

We are hoping to book the World of Color Dessert Party but you have to pay up front and we don't have the money for that right now.  It's going to be the special Christmas Show which I have never seen before so I am hoping in two weeks they will still have openings so we can book it but in case we don't we will do the special dinner instead.  We know we like that.

The kiddo still has no idea although we have let a few conversations happen in front of him so we are lucky he hasn't heard anything yet (that we know of).

Friday, September 9, 2016

More Health Issues

So I kind of thought that after I had my surgery everything with my health would be good but it isn't.  I have had these bruises showing up with no explanation.  They started on my underarms but have spread to my inner thigh, legs, behind my knees, and in my bend of my elbow (thought about doing a picture but figured it would be too much).

My doctor did 9 different blood tests but they all came back fine so they did a biopsy to see if they can figure out what is going on.  I am not going to lie, I am really scared as to what is going on.  Don't ever google things lol.  The doctor told me that she should have an answer around Monday or Tuesday so keeping my fingers crossed it is nothing to terrible and they can fix it it.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy September, check in and whats ahead

I cannot believe that it is September already where does the time go?  I do have to say though that I am ready for it.  The sunshine and heat has been nice but I am ready for some crisp weather, fall clothes, the candles, pumpkins, fall colors, Halloween and of course our trip to Disneyland.

Yesterday we went out and got some fall plants, pots, and doormat for our rear entry.  It looks so good.  It makes me happy to walk into the house.

We also went out and got me some new clothes.  I will do a post on some of my new clothes which I am really excited for.  I have lost 26 pound so far and I am in Small & Medium tops and 10/12 pants.  I went from XL and a size 16!!!!!  I feel so good about myself & healthy which I haven't felt in a long time.  Even though my doctor hasn't cleared me for running or heavy lifting he does allow me to do small weights (2 lbs) and walking and elliptical.  So I have been doing about 45 minutes worth of weights a day and walking 1-3 miles every day.  I am in phase 3 of the diet so I can eat pretty much anything except for wheat products (I have some problems with bread, cakes, etc)  I am actually just fine with that though.  The hubby and I were talking and I told him I would be fine never eating white bread or drinking soda again.  It's kind of funny how after you get it out of your system you don't miss it.  I have finally learned how to eat right.  My goal is 80/20 diet and I think I am doing pretty good.

We are now getting back in the swing of things with school for the kiddo and it's going to be nice to get back to a real schedule.  We made a "To Do" list that we are hanging in the kiddo's bedroom of what he needs to do and if he does what he needs to every day then he will earn Video Game time. The kiddo has been struggling with organization and staying on task so we are hoping that this will help him

We have a full plate this fall.  The kiddo's birthday party is coming up so we are planning for that, we have the start of football season so we will be going to all the home games, we are working on planning for our upcoming trips, we will be getting in a lot of long runs before the half (once the doctor clears me of course), we have a make up anniversary dinner since I had just had surgery on our real anniversary, we will be hitting up the pumpkin patch, and I need to up the ante on blogging and social media.  I have quit a few posts planned and a video or two hopefully they won't be so terrible that I can't even edit them lol.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to September.  What are your favorite things about fall?.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Star Wars Dark Side

Florida here we come (in about 8 months lol).

The registration for the Star Wars Dark Side was on Tuesday and we got registered pretty smoothly.  It looks like the 10K is what is selling out not the half or the challenges.  I tried to make a video of the registration process but it's so hectic that I just kind of gave up.  I think next time I will strap the Gopro to my chest rather than hold the camera.

We got the kiddo registered for the 10K and the hubby and I are doing the Dark Side Challenge.  I am pretty terrified not gonna lie.

I figured I would give a few tips about how we get registered

*Take the morning off.  Don't try to do it at work.  We always take the first two hours off the morning of.  We brew some tea, get logged on about 10 minutes prior and have at least 3 different web browsers up.
*Have an Active account and remember your password.  You can do this beforehand at
*Have your credit card handy.  You only get 15 minutes from start to finish so have your card out and ready to pay.  We actually use two separate accounts our joint for the hubby and my personal for me & the kiddo.  Because the hubby and I always pay the same amount I don't want to risk my card getting rejected because of fraud concerns.
*Register for the one that fills up the fastest first.  I always register the kiddo for the 10K first because those are the ones that are filling up fastest.  I open up the 10K in one browser window and then go over to another browser window and start my registration.  The hubby does his on the tablet.
*Know the cost ahead of time. Active adds about $22 on top of the registration fee.  Be prepared so you aren't shocked.
*Figure out if you want extras.  They offer extra's like a track jacket, tumbler, pins, kids ears etc.  Know ahead of time if you are going to do that.  The pins are about $17, the jackets are about $100.  We sometimes buy pins but we don't really buy the jackets, tumblers etc because we don't know what they look like.  We would rather spend the money on wine glasses, I Did it Shirts, and then take a look at the jackets before we buy them.  The track jackets are only about $75 at the Expo.  If they sold I Did It Shirts with registration we would be all over that though.  (With that being said if you want good Expo stuff get there early.  I will do a blog post about that when we go in November)
*Get excited and prepare to train..  You are all registered now get excited that you get to run the most Magical Race out there.

We are looking to book the hotel by the end of the month.  I am leaning towards Port Orleans Riverside because we LOVED the French Quarter last year but want to try out every hotel before we duplicate.  I am also  looking into Caribbean Beach, the Lodges at Fort Wilderness, and Yacht Club (yeah never gonna happen unless someone gives me money out of the goodness of their heart or I win the lottery lol)

I hope everyone who wanted to get registered did and that you run your best race ever.  If you have any opinions about hotels to stay at let me know.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ideal Day at Disneyland Part 2

Here is my long overdue post about the second half of my ideal day at Disney.

Head back to the parks - After we had a nice relaxing time at the pool we would head through Downtown Disney.  We would hit up the Lego store and get the kiddo a bucket of Lego's while the hubby get's a Starbucks at the new one.

Head to California Adventure - We would then head into California Adventure and go watch the Red Car Trolley Newsboys perform and then go see Frozen - Live at Hyperion.  I LOVED the Aladdin show (mostly cause I love Aladdin) so I am sad that they got rid of that show but I have heard amazing things about the Frozen show.

Head to Disneyland - Then we would head over to Disneyland and grab some cotton candy and Mickey Ice Cream Bar and then go ride Buzz Lightyear, followed by Astro Orbiter while the kiddo and I rode Astro Orbiter a few times the hubby would go grab fast passes for Splash Mountain or Big Thunder.  Then you have to go to Star Traders and see what awesome Star Wars items they have.  Then we would head over and go through Tarzans Tree House, Haunted Mansion, and Pirates.  We would so some shopping in New Orleans Square before checking in to our Fantasmic Dinner reservation at the Blue Bayou.  The kiddo LOVES this restaurant event hough the ride is not his favorite.  I really do enjoy it too.  The Filet Minion and Blue Bayou Au Gratin Potatoes are super yummy   

It would be fast pass time for either Splash Mountain or Big Thunder so we would head over there and ride that then we would go chill out for a bit waiting for Fantasmic in the reserved area.  The hubby would probably go grab us some popcorn or ice cream to snack on right before the show starts. After Fantasmic is over they let you sit there and watch the fireworks show so we would hang out there.  After the fireworks we would head over to ride Astro Orbiter one more time before trying to catch the last showing of Paint the Night (although this will not happen again because they are canceling it so sad :(.  When the kiddo found out he cried) Then we would hit up Main Street for some shopping and then head back to the hotel for a good night sleep.

What is your ideal day at Disney?

Monday, July 25, 2016

Health & Life Update

Sorry I have been MIA lately.  After many numerous medical tests to figure out what is wrong with me it turns out that due to my anti-reflux medicine (Priolosec) I am most likely not absorbing iron (and other nutrients) the way I should be.  After figuring out exactly what is causing my acid I had surgery to fix it so I can get off the medication.

The decision to have the surgery was actually pretty quick considering how all of this has been going on for (almost a year!!!!)  I was super nervous because it is surgery but fingers crossed it will fix all the problems I have been having and I can finally get healthy again.

After the surgery they gave me this thing called a TENS unit to help with the pain and it was pretty interesting.  It basically stimulates (or shocks) your nerves so it sends confusion to your brain so you don't feel the pain.   It was really nice to have but then it crapped out on me at 3:30 in the morning.  The poor hubby had to run to the store to get a battery, but it never did work right again :(

Speaking of the hubby he has been so amazing through all of this.  I really lucked out with him.  He has taken such good care of me.  He would wake up every 4 hrs to give me my meds, he went to the store to get me whatever I needed when I asked for it and he even has let me control the remote in the bedroom.  It kind of sucks because this past weekend was out 11 year wedding anniversary and we didn't get a chance to celebrate it.  Once I am back to my normal diet we will hit up the Melting Pot to celebrate.

I am still in a bit of pain which sucks.  I got off the pain meds almost a week ago but I can't take pills yet so I am having to take children's tylenol which doesn't do  much but it does help.    Each day is better than the last so I am hoping that sooner rather than later I will feel 100% again.

I am now on a liquid diet for a while which is kind of nice since I have lost 12+ lbs and I really feel like I have detoxed my body.  They said it will take 2-3 weeks before I can move to the next phase which is slightly more solid foods, and then withing 8 weeks I should be back to a normal diet.
I am taking this as an opportunity to really teach myself how to eat right.  I never really learned to eat right so better late than never right??  I can honestly say though that I am ready for some cheese!!!!

I am ready to get back to living my life though.  Don't get me wrong watching Once Upon a Time & New Girl from the first episode has been fun but I am ready to get back to living my life.

I am a bit nervous for the Avengers Half in November.  My surgeon told me that I should be just fine but right now I am moving very slowly and running 13.1 miles at 16 minute miles seems impossible.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ideal day at Disneyland. Part 1

I had a friend recently ask me what an ideal day at Disneyland looked like.  After I thought about it I figured it would make a great blog post.  I decided to break it up into two parts since it is pretty word heavy.   So here is my ideal day at Disneyland Resort part 1

Wake up - I would get up around 6:30 am  at the Disneyland Hotel, take my hair out of curlers and Disneybound as Jasmine.  Then I would have some Cereal (most likely Captain Crunch) and some tea.  Then I would wake the family up, making sure the hubby was Disneybounding as Aladdin.

Head to Disneyland - The hubby, kiddo and I would head into Disneyland with Magic Morning at 8 am.  We would ride Space Mountain three times, then Big Thunder two times, Star Tours twice, then Splash Mountain until about 5 minutes before the park opens. Of course you can't forget to stop in front of the castle for a picture..

Head to California Adventure -  We would hightail it over to California Adventure.  We would then go get in line to ride Radiator Springs Racers.  After that the hubby would get us fast passes for Radiator Springs Racers later that night while the kiddo and I rode Mater's Junkyard Jamboree.  Then we would head to Midway Mania and ride that as many times as possible before the line got up to 45 minutes (usually three times)  Then we would do the Wheel of Death (aka Mickey's Fun Wheel), once none swinging then once swinging.  Then over to the Silly Symphony Swings.  Before heading out we would walk past the Once Upon a Time window and I would admire the costumes and book on our way to get fastpasses for Tower of Terror.

Back to Disneyland - We would then head back over to Disneyland to get a few pictures and grab a Mickey Pretzel & raspberry coke at Coca Cola Corner.  Then we would go meet the Princesses, Pluto, and Mickey.  You can't leave without a customary ride on Buzz Lightyear followed by Astro Orbiter.

Eat Lunch - By this time it is now lunch and the park is getting busy.  We would head back to the hotel and go grab lunch at Trader Sam's which for me would include a glass of Prosecco and some Chinese Long Beans, hubby would probably have some Chicken Wings and the kiddo would have Chicken Nuggets.

Relax - We would head up to the hotel room, change into our suits and go for a swim.  I would go down the waterslide a few times and then play "shark" with the kiddo.  Then we would head back up to the room to shower and Disneybound as Ariel and Prince Eric (yes we both have outfits for that as well) While the kiddo watched some Disney Channel we would split a bottle of wine and some Chocolate Covered Mickey Pretzels

Part 2 will be coming shortly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Star Wars Half

Woo Hoo we got all registered this morning for the Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend.  I am so excited.  Last year the web page wasn't working so we had to go through the facebook page but today it worked just fine.  I had everything all set up on the computer at 8:50am and was ready at exactly 9 am.  I had two different web browsers open, chrome and IE so I was able to register me through one and the kiddo through another while the hubby registered himself on a tablet.

We never had to get in a queue to register so that was nice, normally you have to wait in line for your turn but we must have hit it just right.  It took about 10 minutes for all three of us to get registered.  The hubby and I are doing the Rebel Challenge and the kiddo is joining us for the 10K.  Even though it went pretty smooth, right after I got the kiddo registered for the 10K I went back just to see where everything was at and the 10K & the Kids Races were on hold, which basically meant they were sold out.  We were so lucky to get the kiddo registered.  Currently the 5K. 10K & Kids Races are sold out!!!

If you want to register for any Run Disney races I always suggest you be prepared, get the web page up, know your login and password to your Active account, or just be prepared to make one.  Have your credit card ready to go, and know if you are going to order any of the extras.  We usually only buy the pins or necklace..  If I could see what the jackets looked like or if they sold I Did It shirts I would probably be all over it I just don't like not buying it without seeing it.

Now we are looking into hotels.  I am not sure where we are going to stay.  Right now with the discount we could stay at the Grand Californian Hotel for only about $155 more than the Disneyland Hotel and only about $283 more than offsite.  I am not sure if it's worth it or not.  I LOVE the Disneyland hotel and the Grand Californian to me just doesn't seem to have that fun Disney Magic to it.  However, I have never seen such a small difference in the other hotels and Grand Californian.  What do you guys think?  Where would you stay?  Now it's just time to start planning and training.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The never ending health battle

Sorry I have been pretty quiet the past few weeks.  I have been busy with the end of the school year for the kiddo and I am still dealing with the health questions as to what is wrong with me.

My iron levels are still really low although they are not as low as they were.  It is starting to look more and more like my body just doesn't absorb iron the way it is supposed to so I am probably going to have to get iron injections.  I just did a capsule endoscopy a few weeks ago and I am just waiting for the results.  That was a very interesting experience to say the least.  I had to swallow this pill sized camera and just hang out not eating anything for about 8 hours.  They had me hooked up to this small monitor that basically showed the video of my insides.  The nurse was like, look you can watch it throughout the day.  Yeah, not my cup of tea.  It was really kind of freaky knowing that I had a camera inside me.

I met with a surgeon to talk about the hiatal hernia surgery which he said I might be a good candidate for but I now need to have a few more tests done.  UGH I am so done with tests.  They have to make sure that my acid is really being caused by the hiatal hernia and not something like my stomach just doesn't work properly to digest food, that I don't have a weak esophagus, or that it isn't acid but alkaline that is causing the problems because I have no acid due to the meds I have been on for so long.

So the first test they are going to make me eat an egg salad sandwich (one of my least favorite foods EVER!!!  I do not know how I am not going to gag.) and take pictures of my stomach to make sure it is working properly.

For the second test they are going to stick these wonderful tubes down my nose for 24 hours to see what is causing some of my problems.  I am really worried that I am going to pass out for that.

My GI Dr didn't seem to concerned with me being on medication for a while but the surgeon is really worried about me being on meds and some of the other problems I am having.

I know that with time this will all get resolved but it's just super scary to go through all these tests, and the responses I get from everyone is "Your so young" which worries me if I am going to have worse health problems later in life. I just have to keep up on the exercising and eating healthy and hopefully that will help prevent even worse health problems in the future.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Disneyland Planning

Since we booked the Avengers 1/2 we are now starting to plan our trip in November.  We are going to stay at Paradise Pier, we got a nice discount on the room through RunDisney which actually makes it only $250 more to stay onsite than offsite the whole trip, which I think it's worth it.  I really like the size of the rooms, using the secret Grand California entrance and the waterslide.  The only downside for this hotel is the thin walls.  I am hoping that the night before the half the hallways and rooms near us our quiet.

I am now starting to plan out meals for the trip.  We are getting a car this time since we have to fly into LAX since we have a discount through the airline that flies there so we are going to hit up Target once we get there so we will get some healthy snacks (bananas, berries, applesauce, nuts, wine & mimosa stuff of course) so I am thinking the following restaurants which require booking:

Carnation Cafe
Carthay Circle - for lunch
Steakhouse 55 - for breakfast after the half
Possibly World of Color Dessert

I am so excited for the trip.  We are not telling the kiddo that we are going, we are just going to pick him up from school, tell him we are going to the Disney Store and then head up to the airport and see what happens when we get there.

The kiddo has some anxiety so I am a bit worried about that on this trip, but I have decided that we are going to just take this trip and make it about him.  We are hoping to get a sitter for the afternoon after the 5K and have some time just for us especially since we haven't had a chance to ride Hyperspace Mountain..  The rest of the time it will be meeting characters, riding outside rides, swimming, playing games etc. 

I can't believe that it is almost 6 months away :(  But at least it gives me time to plan and most important really train.  I am still having some problems with my lung healing after the pneumonia but the Dr says it will get there I just need to keep working it.  

Do you have any recommendations for restaurants or must do's for Disneyland?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sephora VIB Haul

It's that time of year again when Sephora tempts me to spend an entire paycheck with their 15% VIB sale.  I got the coupon in the mail about a week before the sale so I had spent a fair amount of time looking at the things I wanted.  So I had a cart full and ready to order then I saw that the Minnie Collection had come out I had to adjust my cart big time.  Here is what I ended up getting:

Just seeing the box makes me giddy

Woo Hoo the loot is here

My three free samples.  They come in handy for travel

I used my points for this, I just couldn't pass it up.  I still have over 1,700 points left over.

I needed some new moisturizer and for the same price I got some really nice travel sizes of my usual face stuff.
My standard tinted moisturizer.  I love this stuff and it lasts FOREVER.

I love these brushes.  They are so cute and super soft.  They might be my new favorite ones.

I just couldn't help myself.  They did a really good job with the detail.  I don't think this will be an everyday pallet but I love it!!!!

I am really pleased with my haul.  I got some gift cards for Christmas and my Birthday so I was able to spend a minimal amount this year which was awesome.

Did you get anything from the VIB sale?  What is your favorite item or go to every year?